When your commercial roof starts to decrease in efficiency or show other signs of its age, you might think a roof replacement is in your future, however the team at Alley Capital, LLC, have an alternative for you. Alley Capital offers roof restoration via high-quality elastomeric, fluid-applied roof coatings for commercial buildings in certain instances.
If you are looking for a way to keep your old roof, but add years to its life, boost efficiency, and waterproof it all at once, call Alley Capital today at (417) 825-0286 to learn more about our high-performing, high-quality roof coatings!
Restoration For All Commercial Roof Systems
No matter what type of roofing system you currently have, Alley Capital has a roof coating that will work. Our roof coatings come in a variety of formulas, each carefully designed to work with a specific roof type(s). Our roof coatings can be applied to:

- Flat roofs
- Low-slope roofs
- Metal roofs
- Spray foam roofs
- Single-ply roofs (rubber or EPDM, TPO, PVC)
- Modified bitumen
- And many others!
Whatever commercial roof system you currently have, roof coatings are usually a good option. They treat some of the most common commercial roofing issues, including small leaks, holes, rips, tears, punctures, low spots, rust, standing water, and more. The experts at Alley Roofing can perform a complimentary inspection of your roof and let you know if a roof coating is a good choice.
How It Works
Roof coatings are sometimes called a “roof in a can.” The liquid formula is applied to your existing, good condition roof by rolling, brushing, or spraying, where it quickly dries, creating a like-new, seamless barrier against the elements.
Benefits include:
- No messy, expensive roof tear-off and disposal necessary
- Lightweight solution can be applied without reinforcing the roof
- Roof coatings have more than 40 years of proven success – it’s not a new, undocumented solution
- Coatings are flexible, yet tough
- Alley’s roof coatings are ENERGY STAR rated and may qualify for rebates
- Coatings generally pay for themselves in 5-7 years with up to 30% in utility savings
- Roof coatings can reflect up to 85% of the sun’s rays
- Roof coatings are eco-friendly
Request A Free Estimate
If you are interested in having a roof coating system professionally applied to your commercial roof, call Alley Capital today at (417) 825-0286. Our roofing technicians are specially trained and qualified to assess your roof, determine the appropriate roof coating for it, and apply it quickly and flawlessly. Don’t continue to live with a leaky or inefficient roof – call us today and learn more about how our premium roof coatings can get your roof back to like-new condition!